
Be Kind To Pets community education of pet owners, sponsored by www.asiahomes.com and www.toapayohvets.com.

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Location: Singapore

A veterinary surgeon at www.toapayohvets.com and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at www.asiahomes.com

Sunday, June 05, 2005

13. The Golden Retriever puppy had locked jaws

The Golden Retriever with locked jaws

"How to prevent hip dysplasia?" the owner phoned me one afternoon. It was surprising as his Golden Retriever puppy was just 3 months old and he was concerned. Next morning, a SMS saying the puppy was sick. Could not move. Lethargy.

Saw him at 9.45 a.m. Slight fever of 39.3 deg C. The strange thing was that it was impossible to open the mouth of the puppy. No puppy ever resisted me. So, was this a case of locked jaws? The puppy had free access to garden and soil bacteria might contain locked jaw bacteria. Something like tetanus.

Very rare and unusual. Warded the puppy for observation and given injections. In the afternoon, the jaws were opened with some difficulty. Not eating at all. Sent home for observation and confinement. Puppy recovered in the next 2 days.

Any owner with similar problems, e-mail to judy@toapayohvets.com


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